Wednesday, November 25, 2009

okay ! skrg ni aku nak tunjukkan keegoan aku , post ni khas untuk L**SA ! kau tak puas hati ngan aku sangat ni pehal , kau tu dah la perumpuan , ingat la sikit ! kawan kakak aku pulak tu , jiran depan rumah aku pulak tu , BABI TOL ! aku tau la aku hitam , kau paling putih ! tapi sumpah aku tak penah kisah doe kau putih macam mane pon . kau tak payah la nak bangge sanggat yang kau tu putih ! aku tau la aku tak hot , kau HOT ! aku ni dah la selekeh , rambut pun tak reti nak sikat . pastu tak yah la nak hine orang macam aku ni . kau dah besar kan ? dah pandai mandi sendiri , dah pandai sikat rambut sendiri , dah pandai carik kawan sendiri . so kau nak kutuk kutuk aku kat kawan aku buat ape ? tolong la weh ! aku tak penah doe dapat jiran macam kau ni . okay fine , aku tau kau tak suke aku , kau benci aku , kau menyampah tgk muke aku , so buat ape kau nak tanye pasal aku kat kawan aku ? ishhh ! okay from now sumpah aku tak nak mengaku kau jiran aku and aku hope kau pindah la tempat asal kau . aku dah tak boleh tahan doe dgn perangai kau !

okay now aku tau aku ego ! so kalau korang dah tak tahan ngan perangai aku ni yang suke carik kesalahan orang lain , cakap je !

Thursday, November 12, 2009



Love isn't blind or deaf or dumb - in fact it sees far more than it will ever tell. It is going beyond yourself and stretching who you are for someone else. Being in love entails seeing someone as you wish they were: to love them is to see who they really are and still care for them. Love isn't bitter, but you can't have love without pain: sacrifice is the hallmark of love , the coin of love.

Being in love usually is used in a romantic sense when you meet your significant other transforming a normal relationship into a deeper one without further interest in others.
Love means that you trust the person, would do anything for the person, know that person is with you through thick and thin, isn't afraid to be seen with you. make sure they treat you right.

Additional Contributor Opinions

  • Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in a romantic relationship. Love is a strong feeling that represents affection toward someone dear to you heart.
  • there is no true meaning in love. love with meaning is not love.
  • The meaning of love is prolonged mutual protection. Love is real when it is found. It is free when it is grasped. Can you tell with a kiss? Love is the magic/mutual in a kiss. There is no magic in a kiss if there is no love/mutual within it. A kiss with magic has no forced for love makes it gentle. There is no magic in just a lip kiss. Love has a different kiss. Some kisses are only stolen breaths. If you need to ask: "is this love" then the Answer is: "no" for when/if it ever happens you will know. Ravonseed.
  • The possible real meaning/purpose of love is: to reproduce. To stay together to protect each other long enough to continue your blood line/genetics. The meaning of love is prolonged mutual protection. Love is real when it is found. It is free when it is grasped. Can you tell with a kiss? Love is the magic/mutual in a kiss. There is no magic in a kiss if there is no love/mutual within it. A kiss with magic has no forced for love makes it gentle. There is no magic in just a lip kiss. Love has a different kiss. Some kisses are only stolen breaths. If you need to ask: "is this love" then the Answer is: "no" for when/if it ever happens you will know. Ravonseed.
  • Love is when you are certain that you love someone, and then you think you love someone else, then you both realize that you could never live without each other
  • The true meaning of love is found in the word "unconditional". Loving someone through their flaws and all. Accepting and embracing each others differences and compromising with their offerings.
  • bokonon tells us:" a lover is a liar to himself he lies the truthful are loveless like oyster their eyes."
  • when your boy|girl take you to the end

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009


SORRY AJIEM TAK DAPAT GERAK SKATE ! HAHA :D cerite die macam ni , saye plan ngan ajiem untuk bermain skate dekat chess , mase tu dalam pukul 3.10 . ajiem kate die nak gerak pukul 4.00 ngan irfan . 30 minit kemudian saye pon keluar dari rumah . baru saje keluar simpang rumah , ade sebuah kerete myvi orange parking di kanan jalan untuk menurun kan kawan nye , dengan tak bg signel , die terus keluar , masuk jalan saye ! hrmmm , saye pun tak sempat nak brek terlanggar la bahagian kiri depan kerete tersebut ! PEMANDU NYE PERUMPUAN BUDAK UNISEL SEK 7 ! dan kawan nye sume lelaki ! lelaki tu pun keluar dari kerete dan tanye kepade saye
LELAKI 1 : okay tak ?
SAYE : okay ! boleh tolong ankat motor tak ?
selepas itu pemandu nye pulak bertanye kepade saye
PEMANDU : adik okay tak ?
SAYE : okay !
PEMANDU : ade lesen tak ni ?
SAYE : ha lesen ? ade ! (kebetulan pulak haritu saye tampal stiker P)HAHA
5 minit cakap2 , saye parking motor saye dekat rumah man ! lepas tu , pemandu tersebut bawa saye ke klinik al-nesa kat kedai sek 7 . tiba saje di klinik saye terus call ayah saye untuk settle kan ! hrmm , awal-awal die marah saye sbb bawak motor tak de lesen haha :D kat klinik macam babi ! die cuci luke bapak pedih gile ! lepas dah siap cuci luke sume , saye pon keluar la dari klinik , saye jalan ke arah kerete tersebut . dekat kerete tu ade mak ngan bapak die . sampai je kat mak die , mak die pun mule la bukak mulut , nak tanye macam-macam
MAK PEMANDU : kau tak nampak ke kerete ni nak keluar ?
SAYE :buat ape tanye saye macam tu !(dalam hati saye dah cakap''orang tue ni tak reti cakap baik-baik ke ?)
selepas tu saye jalan ke kerete ayah saye , tah dorang cakap tah kat ayah saye ! hrmmm . so skrg ni die buat report polis . tak tau la ape akan jadi lepas ni HAHA :D

P/S : tq ajiem ajiem sbb care pasal aku :-)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

hey john what's your name again

The concept of fashion is the one to blame.
Painting the portrait of conviction-less existence.

Well, it must be difficult being so gorgeous.
Well, it must be difficult claiming to be the kings and queens
But it's all, but it's all of nothing.

This shall pass, megalomania.
This shall pass, megalomania.

Congratulations on mutilation for a life,

I'm gonna hope for you, I'm gonna pray for you amongst the reckless and the black,
Salvation lies within,
I'm gonna hope for you, I'm gonna pray for you amongst the reckless and the black,
My time is your's my friend,

We all find ourselves so horribly weak,

Here's an offering, Here's an offering
Offering, Offering

kate-kate aluan

hallo ! name saye ahmad syafiq bin rosli . saya tidak berape mengerti untuk menulis blog sebenarnye ! kalau salah tolong tunjuk kan , kalau betul tolong beri tahu saye :D